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Welcome to the Hedgery

Pacific Northwest Pedigreed Hedgehogs 

Why We Do What We Do


Our journey began in 2015 when hedgehogs became legal to own in Arizona. What began as a modest hobby has evolved into a vibrant lifestyle. Picture an entire room in our home devoted to the enchanting world of hedgehogs and tenrecs – undoubtedly the most captivating space under our roof.

Within this haven, we don't just breed pedigreed hedgehogs; we cultivate a safe space for knowledge and compassion. Our commitment extends beyond breeding to encompass the rescue and care of hedgehogs in need. Yet, our true passion lies in education, where we empower people with the knowledge and confidence to engage with these delightful creatures.

After three years of adhering to USDA regulations, we've opted to transition back to our roots as a hobby breeder. Our unwavering focus on confirmation and temperament remains, but we've carefully curated our herd to embody precisely what we seek in our lines.

Now situated in the picturesque Washington State, our dedication to the world of hedgehogs continues to flourish. Join us in celebrating these unique animals, where every encounter is an opportunity to share knowledge and foster connections.


Haleigh Reeves

I haven’t personally purchased a hedge from y’all but I was put in touch with hedgies in the pine through a Facebook group. I had a older rescued hog named willow. Willow was battling sickness and was loosing teeth and losing weight. Unfortunately at this time I became pregnant and was battling with awful depression. I didn’t have the capability to get her comfortable and do what she needed. After talking they agreed to take her in and do end of life care. The day came slow but fast. But when it was her time to cross they allowed me to spend the day with her on there couch and cry. I loved willow with all my heart. & I was so thankful for them taking her in and keeping her comfortable. I know one day I’ll be a hog mom again and I will be adopting from them. <3

Misty Woodland

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